Importers, do you fear being overcharged?

Horror stories about things going wrong for importers and exporters are abounding. These stories always have the same punch line . . . something about charges and delivery time, with perhaps a customs official or two insisting on the undeliverable.

“When things go wrong in freight, it can be disastrous!,” warns Rebekah Garrett of Red Nav. “Costs can quickly escalate and if you do not have a knowledgeable freight forwarder in your corner, prepare to pay ‘school fees’ which can run into thousands of dollars,” she says.

All over the world traders make money by transporting their goods to where they are worth more. Materials and/or products are sourced diligently, markets are researched thoroughly and profit margins are finely calculated to ensure that the importer is earning more than basic interest received on a long term deposit from the bank.
Very often the crucial element – getting the goods from the supplier to the final destination – is overlooked. Sometimes importers leave all the decisions about freight in the hands of the supplier, not realising that there is a saving to be made. At times importers prefer to handle the freight portion of their import independently, but in doing that they are denying themselves access to buying power and distribution channels that they may not have had access to otherwise.

Freight forwarders are knowledgeable and familiar with the processes required to ship goods between countries. They have extensive knowledge of documentation requirements, regulations, transportation costs, and customs and border clearing.

They are able to negotiate the best ocean freight rates through contracts with shipping lines and agents around the world due to the volume of shipments and relationships that have been developed over many years. A freight forwarder is also able to provide the client with complete accessibility and visibility from a reliable single source, meaning the client does not have to follow up with many different people during the import or export process. The client has the convenience of being able to communicate with their forwarder and be assured that they will be able to assist and regularly update them on their shipment.

Importers often get confused about the benefits of the different modes of transport. “The mode of transport you choose is unique to your product and your situation,” says Rebekah. “I am happy to help you find the best solution for your next import or export.

The Red Nav team has been working in the freight industry for more than thirty years. I am confident that we can help you to find the most economical solution in the shortest transit time,” says she. Rebekah can be contacted on 08 9303 2110.